X | Match | Street address and 9-digit ZIP code both match |
Y | Match | Street address and 5-digit ZIP code both match |
A | Partial Match | Street address matches, but both 5-digit and 9-digit ZIP Code do not match |
W | Partial Match | Street address does not match, but 9-digit ZIP code matches |
Z | Partial Match | Street address does not match, but 5-digit ZIP code matches |
N | No Match | Street address, 5-digit ZIP code, and 9-digit ZIP code all do not match |
U | System Unavailable | Address information unavailable. Returned if non-US. AVS is not available or if the AVS in a U.S. bank is not functioning properly. |
R | System Unavailable | Retry - Issuer's System Unavailable or Timed Out |
E | Invalid | AVS data is invalid |
S | Not Supported | U.S. issuing bank does not support AVS |
M | CVV2 Match |
N | CVV2 No Match |
P | Not Processed |
S | Issuer indicates that CVV2 data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated data is not present on the card |
U | Issuer has not certified for CVV2 or Issuer has not provided Visa with the CVV2 encryption keys |
Empty | Transaction failed because wrong CVV2 number was entered or no CVV2 number was entered |
D | Match | Street Address and Postal Code match for International Transaction |
M | Match | Street Address and Postal Code match for International Transaction |
B | Partial Match | Street Address Match for International Transaction. Postal Code not verified due to incompatible formats |
P | Partial Match | Postal Codes match for International Transaction but street address not verified due to incompatible formats |
C | No Match | Street Address and Postal Code not verified for International Transaction due to incompatible formats |
I | No Match | Address Information not verified by International issuer |
G | Not Supported | Non-US. Issuer does not participate |